Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines

Index of Puerto Galera pages

Location Map of Puerto Galera

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Puerto Galera consists of 13 barangays:

  • Aninuan with a 2010 population of 2,946
  • Baclayan with a 2010 population of 461
  • Balatero with a 2010 population of 3,558
  • Dulangan with a 2010 population of 3,032
  • Palangan with a 2010 population of 1,198
  • Poblacion with a 2010 population of 5,073 (The main town centre)
  • Sabang with a 2010 population of 3,358 (The night life area)
  • San Antonio with a 2010 population of 772
  • San Isidro with a 2010 population of 3,365
  • Santo NiƱo with a 2010 population of 1,877
  • Sinandigan with a 2010 population of 1,805
  • Tabinay with a 2010 population of 3,182
  • Villaflor with a 2010 population of 1,894

Zip Codes (Post Codes) in Mindoro Oriental

  • 5201 Baco
  • 5210 Bansud
  • 5211 Bongabon
  • 5214 Bulalacao
  • 5200 Calapan
  • 5209 Gloria
  • 5208 Mansalay
  • 5206 Pola
  • 5203 Puerto Galera
  • 5212 Roxas
  • 5202 San Teodoro
  • 5207 Socorro
  • 5205 Victoria

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