Travel Costs in Puerto Galera, Philippines

Getting around in Puerto Galera, when you need some form of public transport, will mainly be the use of a local tricycle, or a jeepney.

Some example actual costs (April 2013) are:

  • 150 pesos from Muelle Port to Small Tabinay Beach. Using a tricycle from the ferry port. About 10 minutes.
  • 30 pesos from Small Tabinay Beach to Muelle Port, Puerta Galera. Using a local tricycle.
  • 20 pesos from Small Tabinay Beach to Puerta Galera centre (Candava Supermarket, Poblacion), Using a local tricycle.
  • 60 pesos from Small Tabinay beach to Puerta Galera centre, waiting while we shop, then drive us back to Tabinay beach. Using a bright blue tricycle owned by Ronald.  I am sure we took about 30 minutes of his time, including the waiting.
  • 100 pesos from Puerta Galera centre to White Beach, by tricycle
  • xx pesos from Puerta Galera centre to White Beach, by Jeepney.
  • 20 pesos from Puerta Galera centre to Sabang, by Jeepney

As you can see, the prices vary.

I have the phone number for the second tricycle driver, (0906 846 6516), as he will be my tricycle of choice for all future trips.  (He even came into the supermarket to carry our shopping out for us).
No more using a tricycle direct from the port.  They are just like Manila taxi drivers, charging double or triple.

I have also read the following:

Tricycle from White Beach to Poblacion (Muelle Port area) about 100 pesos.

Tricycle from White Beach to Sabang, about 15 minutes at a cost of 350 pesos.


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