White Screen Problem on WordPress Sites

A recent web site problem had me wondering why some of my sites were no longer accessible, either to me or to my viewers.

A very quick reply from my web hosts assisted me in getting back on line again.

This is what I had to do.

In File Manager, I rename the folder called Plugins at: /wp-content/plugins to

Then I was able to log back into my Admin section.

On checking the installed Plugins section, all my Plugins were now de-activated.

Go back to File Manager, and rename the folder back to Plugins again.

Now go back into the site Admin, and re-activate one plugin at a time.

On re-activating the WordPress Backup (by BTE) I got the same White Screen again.

So I removed that plugin from the Plugins folder in File manager, and was again able to access the site admin.

That seemed to fix the problem, but I have no idea why it happened, as I have been using that Plugin for a while now.  Maybe a recent WP update didn’t like the plugin ?

I need to remember this fix, in case it happens again in the future.

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