Test for Error on New Posts

This is a test post to check if new posts are affected by a possible issue with the Advanced Excerpt plugin.

It only affected one known site, but it caused every new post to be restricted to the 50 word setting in the Advanced Excerpt plugin.

This should help to get me to the 50 words limit…

Ad Inserter, AdRotate, Advanced Excerpt, Akismet Anti-Spam, Ban Hammer, Better Recent Comments, Better Search Replace, Change Excerpt Length, Child Theme Configurator, Classic Editor, Contact Form 7, Head and Footer Scripts Inserter, List category posts, List Pages Shortcode, Official StatCounter Plugin, PayPal Donations, Post Type Switcher, Pretty Links, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails, Simple Lightbox, Top 10, Ultimate Post List, UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore, W3 Total Cache, Widget Options, WordPress Popular Posts, WP All Import, WP Easy Paypal Payment Accept, WP External Links, Wp-Insert, WP125, wpDiscuz, wpForo

152 words or 1,006 characters.

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