AirAsia Flight QZ8501 bodies found

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 bodies found..

Over 40 bodies have been recovered from the missing AirAsia flight, the Indonesian Navy said. Objects resembling parts of the plane, as well as what was thought to be the plane’s outline underwater, were seen in the search area..
THE bodies were found in Java Sea waters about 10 kilometres from Flight 8501’s last communications with air-traffic control. The plane with 162 people on board disappeared on Sunday on its way from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore after encountering storm clouds.

28th December 2014

6:12am: AirAsia Flight QZ8501 requested permission to turn left to avoid a storm.
The request was granted and the plane turned left seven miles.  QZ8501 then requested to be able to climb to a higher level: 38,000 feet6.14am: Air traffic control told QZ8501 it could only go to 34,000 feet, due to more planes at the higher level.

No Reply was received from QZ8501.

6.18am: Radar contact lost entirely.

30th December 2014

Evening: First of the bodies from Flight QZ8501 are found.

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