The Latin number ‘Decem’ means 10, but December is the 12th Month..
Why was December the name for the 12th month, when the Latin name ‘Decem” is the number 10?
From the Latin number system, we see that the numbers 7 through to 10 represent the names of our Months September to December, months 9 through to 12.
Why? Why does 7 to 10 equal our months 9 to 12?
Latin Septem = Seven (our 7th Month = July)
Latin Octo = Eight (our 8th Month = August)
Latin Novem = Nine (our 7th Month = September)
Latin Decem = Ten (our 7th Month = October)
The Roman Calendar ‘Romulus’ had only 10 months, but things changed over time, with the Months of July and August added (Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar), and presumably this pushed the last 4 months back by two months, with the 10th (Decem) Month, now being the 12th Month.
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