Latin Numbers 1 to 20 in Words

1 = Unum, 2 = Duo, 3 = Tres, 4 = Quattuor, 5 = Quinque, 6 = Sex, 7 = Septem, 8 = Octo, 9 = Novem, 10 = Decem……….

Latin Numerals One to Twenty in Words..

1 to 20 in the old Latin language are spoken as: Unum, Duo, Tres, Quattuor, Quinque, Sex, Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem, Undecim, Duodecim, Tredecim, Quattuordecim, Quindecim, Sedecim, Septendecim, Duodeviginity, Undeviginity and Viginity.

The Latin numbering systems is made up using the following numerals.

Latin Letter I = 1
Latin Letter V = 5
Latin Letter X = 10
Latin Letter L = 50
Latin Letter C = 100
Latin Letter D = 500
Latin Letter M = 1000

Numbers 1 to 20 with the Latin and English translations


Number Latin English
1 I Unum One
2 II Duo Two
3 III Tres Three
4 IV Quattuor Four
5 V Quinque Five
6 VI Sex Six
7 VII Septem Seven
8 VIII Octo Eight
9 IX Novem Nine
10 X Decem Ten
11 XI Undecim Eleven
12 XII Duodecim Twelve
13 XIII Tredecim Thirteen
14 XIV Quattuordecim Fourteen
15 XV Quindecim Fifteen
16 XVI Sedecim Sixteen
17 XVII Septendecim Seventeen
18 XVIII Duodeviginity Eighteen
19 XIX Undeviginity Nineteen
20 XX Viginity Twenty

Why is the Latin number  ‘Novem’  only 9 and not 11

Why is the Latin number  ‘Decem’  only 10 and not 12

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