The Origin of the American Language version of English

The American Language Origin..

The American-English language, or US-English, is an adaptation of the English language, obviously the language of England, as used by many new arrivals in America.

Noah Webster is credited with the changes when he produced the … Read the rest

The American Language Origin..

The American-English language, or US-English, is an adaptation of the English language, obviously the language of England, as used by many new arrivals in America.

Noah Webster is credited with the changes when he produced the … Read the rest

Difference between Dependant and Dependent

What is the difference between dependant and dependent?..

The English use both words for different meanings:

Dependent means reliant on.
A dependant is a person (usually a child or a spouse).

My Dependant is Dependent on … Read the rest

What is the difference between dependant and dependent?..

The English use both words for different meanings:

Dependent means reliant on.
A dependant is a person (usually a child or a spouse).

My Dependant is Dependent on … Read the rest

Latin Numbers 1 to 20 in Words

Latin Numerals One to Twenty in Words..

1 to 20 in the old Latin language are spoken as: Unum, Duo, Tres, Quattuor, Quinque, Sex, Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem, Undecim, Duodecim, Tredecim, Quattuordecim, Quindecim, Sedecim, Septendecim, Duodeviginity, Undeviginity and Viginity.

The … Read the rest

Latin Numerals One to Twenty in Words..

1 to 20 in the old Latin language are spoken as: Unum, Duo, Tres, Quattuor, Quinque, Sex, Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem, Undecim, Duodecim, Tredecim, Quattuordecim, Quindecim, Sedecim, Septendecim, Duodeviginity, Undeviginity and Viginity.

The … Read the rest