How Will Parliament Prorogue affect Government

How Will the Parliament Prorogue affect the UK Government..

The UK Parliament is normally prorogued every year or two, and all new business stops, with most laws that haven’t completed their passage through Parliament ceasing.

The government still continues working.… Read the rest

Does the EU control the UK immigration

Does the EU control Immigration in the UK..

Some people have asked if the EU law controls all of the Immigration in the UK. The answer is that it does not.

The EU only controls the movement of EU citizens

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Does the EU control Immigration in the UK..

Some people have asked if the EU law controls all of the Immigration in the UK. The answer is that it does not.

The EU only controls the movement of EU citizens

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The £350 Million to the NHS suggestion

Was the £350 Million to the NHS a promise or a suggestion?..

This was the bus that caused the discussion, and the statement “Lets fund the NHS instead”  somehow became a promise to fund the NHS.

Vote Leave’s … Read the rest

Was the £350 Million to the NHS a promise or a suggestion?..

This was the bus that caused the discussion, and the statement “Lets fund the NHS instead”  somehow became a promise to fund the NHS.

Vote Leave’s … Read the rest