How Will the Parliament Prorogue affect the UK Government..
The UK Parliament is normally prorogued every year or two, and all new business stops, with most laws that haven’t completed their passage through Parliament ceasing.
The government still continues working.
- The Government are the people responsible for running the country, those who have been selected by the leader of the winning party to work in the Government with them – as Cabinet ministers and junior ministers.
- Parliament is made up of people we have elected and who have been appointed to represent the UK local areas. This includes people in other political parties, as well as those in the winning party who were not chosen to be ministers.
Before 1918, the Cabinet would seek permission from the Sovereign to dissolve Parliament. In 1918 the process was changed to allow the prime minister to seek the formal permission of the Sovereign.
The first Parliament prorogue was in the 15th Century, and has been a common event ever since.
How Many Days are lost by a normal Prorogue?
Between 2 and 4 days lost time has been normal for previous Prorogues, but sometime longer. It was 13 days in 2014.
How Many Days will be lost by the 2019 Prorogue?
From the following, it looks like about 6 days will be lost.
Parliament Shut Downs in 2019
- 5 July to Tuesday 3 September 2019: UK Parliament 5 week summer holiday.
- 14th September to 8th October: UK Parliament is in recess for the party conference season.
- 8th October – 13th October: Parliament prorogued for Queens Speech.
- 14th October Parliament reopens.
In the United Kingdom the party conference season is the period of three weeks in September and October of each year, whilst the House of Commons is in recess, in which the annual political party conferences are held.
Prorogation in the United Kingdom.
Prorogation is the formal name given to the period between the end of a session of the UK Parliament and the State Opening of Parliament that begins the next session.
The last dissolution of Parliament was on 3 May 2017, to make way for the general election to be held on 8 June 2017
It is normal for new governments to shut down Parliament, in order to hold a Queen’s Speech, which sets out the government’s plans for the next year or so.
The length of time varies – in 2016 Parliament was closed for four working days, while in 2014 it was closed for 13 days.
This year, Parliament would be suspended for about 23 working days before the new Queen’s speech on 14 October. However, for most of those days the Parliament will be on recess anyway between the 14th September and the 8th October 2019 for the party conference season.
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These closures of Parliament do not stop the Civil Servants from working on things during this time, it just keeps the politicians out of the loop for a while. Giving the experts a chance to do their jobs.
Boris Johnson has promised that Britain’s Brexit negotiators would sit down with their European counterparts twice a week through September, with the possibility of additional technical meetings, to try to reach a deal that would avert the risk of a cliff-edge departure.
This still happens while Parliament is not working, due to its Conference recess and the prorogue.
Parliament Open days from July to October 2019
The Parliament prorogue for the Queen’s Speech overlaps the recess for the Party Conferences, ending on 13th October.
It seem to make little difference to the total Parliament time from 1st July to 31st October.
Original Parliament closed dates:
5 July to 3 September 2019: UK Parliament 5 week summer holiday.
14th September to 8th October: UK Parliament is in recess for the party conference season.
9th October Parliament reopens.
Total 36 days open, out of 4 months
New Parliament closed dates, after prorogue put into effect:
5 July to 3 September 2019: UK Parliament 5 week summer holiday.
14th September to 8th October: UK Parliament is in recess for the party conference season.
8th October to 13th October: Parliament prorogued for Queen’s Speech.
14th October Parliament reopens.
Total 32 days open, out of 4 months
The whole things makes a difference of just 4 days?? Is one of those a Sunday?
The UK Parliament is in recess for the party conference season between 14th September to 8th October.
The prorogued parliament returns on 14 October, missing just the 3 or 4 working days between the 8th October and the 13th October.
In 2016 Parliament was prorogued for four working days, while in 2014 it was prorogued for 13 days.
All this talk and trouble for just 3 or 4 days!!!
They have so far had 1,164 days to sort out this issue… but everyone complains about losing 3 or 4 days!!