Australian Prime Ministers deposed by their own party, while in office..
Only a small number of Australian Prime Ministers have been deposed as Leaders of their party, by THEIR OWN PARTY.
These are:
William Morris Hughes. Deposed by ALP and Nationalist Party.
Prime Minister from: 27/10/1915 to 9/02/1923
In office for: 7 years, 3 months, 14 days
Deposed as Leader by the ALP Caucus
William Morris Hughes was Labor Prime Minister between 27 October 1915 and 15 September 1916, then was expelled from the ALP over his support for conscription. After his expulsion, Hughes formed the ‘National Labor Party’ with sufficient numbers in the House of Representatives to retain government in his name. This party became the Nationalist Party on 17th February 1917, and he remained Prime Minister until 1923, when he eas deposed by SM Bruce.
William Morris Hughes:
Prime Minister Australian Labor Party: 27 October 1915 to 15 September 1916 (324 days)
Prime Minister National Labor Party: 15 September 1916 to 17 February 1917 (155 days)
Prime Minister Nationalist Party: 17 February 1917 to 9 February 1923 (2,183 days)
Robert James Lee Hawke. ALP
Prime Minister from: 11/03/1983 to 20/12/1991
In office for: 8 years, 9 months, 9 days
Deposed as Leader by Paul John Keating
Kevin Michael Rudd. ALP
Prime Minister from: 3/12/2007 to 24/06/2010
In office for: 2 years, 6 months, 21 days
Deposed as Leader by Julia Eileen Gillard
Julia Eileen Gillard. ALP
Prime Minister from: 24/06/2010 to 27/06/2013
In office for: 3 years, 3 days
Deposed as Leader by Kevin Michael Rudd
A further possible Prime Minister deposed by his own party is sometimes said to be John Grey Gorton, however, he effectively resigned, by casting his vote for his opponent, after a tied party vote of confidence, so was not actually deposed.
John Grey Gorton. Lib
Prime Minister from: 10/01/1968 to 10/03/1971
In office for: 3 years, 2 months
Resigned as leader after a tied party vote of confidence 33-33 in his leadership on 10 March 1971.
He was replaced by William McMahon, but Gorton was then elected to the position of deputy leader under McMahon.
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