One of those little things that sometimes needs to be done when working with many lines of information is the removal of an odd character here and there.
I was in just that position today. I had about 2,000 lines of information, and about 600 of them ended with a comma, and the rest didn’t.
I needed them all to be without the comma. Unfortunately, there were a number of other commas in the lines so I couldn’t just do a simple find and replace.
So, this is the excel code that I used:
=LEFT(A1, LEN(A1)-1)
This removed the last character from the data in cell A1.
I used the filter options to only select cells that ended with the comma, and then applied that code to those lines.
I then copied the entire column and pasted as text, where I needed the corrected information.
Other similar codes:
To remove the first few characters
=RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-3)
This will remove the first 3 characters of the cell content.
721.1 - 891,064
Another code in similar lines:
=MID(A1,FIND(“x”,A1)+1,LEN(A1)) will extract the text after the letter x
x can be any character in the string of characters in the cell, and this code will remove all characters from before the FIRST occurance of “x”
“sincexnice one” will result in “nice one”
“sincexnice x one” will result in “nice x one”
“since nice x one” will result in ” one” Note that the space is retained before the word “one”