Britain and EFTA

Will The United Kingdom rejoin EFTA ?..

The United Kingdom was a founding member of EFTA in 1960 until it joined the EU, and EFTA still exists for Free Trade in Europe, for non EU members.

The European Free Trade Association is an intergovernmental trade organisation and free trade area consisting of four remaining European states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.


It seems to give what most people think the EU should do… Namely free trade in Europe, without the loss of sovereignty.

EFTA Membership changes

1960 Austria joined in 1960 and left in 1995
1960 Denmark joined in 1960 and left in 1973
1960 Norway joined in 1960
1960 Portugal joined in 1960 and left in 1986
1960 Sweden joined in 1960 and left in 1995
1960 Switzerland joined in 1960
1960 United Kingdom joined in 1960 and left in 1973
1970 Iceland joined in 1970
1986 Finland joined in 1986 and left in 1995
1991 Liechtenstein joined in 1991

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