2013-2014 Australian Government revenues and expenses

Australian Government revenues and expenses for 2013‑14..

Total revenue for 2013‑14 was expected to be $387.7 billion
Total expenses for 2013‑14 were expected to be $398.3 billion

Australian Government Income for 2013-2014

Australian Government Income for 2013-2014

Australian Government Expenditure for 2013-2014

Australian Government Expenditure for 2013-2014

Australian Government Expenditure Estimates for 2013-2014
$m Percent Expense Details
52,056 12.53% Revenue assistance to the States and Territories
39,501 9.51% Income support for seniors
19,334 4.66% Medicare services
20,125 4.85% Family tax benefit
16,098 3.88% Income Support for People with Disability
13,845 3.33% Assistance to the States for public hospitals(a)
10,226 2.46% Job seeker income support
8,978 2.16% Residential and flexible care
9,455 2.28% Pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services
8,764 2.11% Non government schools — national support
6,983 1.68% Income support for carers
8,225 1.98% Public sector superannuation(b)
6,222 1.50% Commonwealth Grants Scheme
5,997 1.44% Private health insurance
5,823 1.40%  Fuel tax credits scheme
4,268 1.03% Management of Capability Acquisition
5,762 1.39% Army capabilities
5,366 1.29% Management of capability sustainment
5,526 1.33% Parents’ income support
2,408 0.58% Government Schools National Support
254,962 61.39% Sub-total
160,332 38.61% Other programmes
415,294 100.00% Total expenses


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