Homeless Comparisons.

Homeless Comparisons.

Homelessness is measured in different ways in different countries, and this can cause confusion when comparing the numbers of homeless in each country.

This page compares three developed countries.

Many “homeless” people are staying with friends, or in sheltered accommodation etc.

The real figure of true homeless is the number of those people without sheltered accommodation. Those living in tents or cardboard boxes.

The following figures show this difference.

Homeless Comparisons USA, UK, Australia.

  • 690 out of every 100,000 people in the USA are unsheltered.
  • 310 out of every 100,000 people in Australia are unsheltered.
  • 40 out of every 100,000 people in the UK are unsheltered.

Homeless in USA.

  • 580,446 total homeless
  • 226,080 were unsheltered.
  • 39% of homeless were unsheltered.
  • 0.69% of the 332 million population were unsheltered.

Homeless in Australia.

  • 116,427 total homeless
  • 8,200 were unsheltered.
  • 7% of homeless were unsheltered.
  • 0.31% of the 26 million population were unsheltered.

Homeless in UK.

  • 274,000 total homeless
  • 2,700 were unsheltered.
  • 1% of homeless were unsheltered.
  • 0.04% of the 68 million population were unsheltered.

Homelessness, even in the United Kingdom, is measured in different ways in each of the individual countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Shelter’s analysis of the homeless, in England alone, shows:

  • 2,700 people are sleeping rough.
  • 15,000 single people are in direct access hostels.
  • 250,000 people are living in temporary accommodation.

This shows 267,700 homeless in England. That would leave another 6,300 in the other UK countries.



Homeless in Australia


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