WordPress Plugin: SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam

Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login page. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security.

SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam by Author: Mike Challis..

Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login page. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security.

WordPress Details Page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress

Compatible up to: 4.5.3
Active Installs: 300,000+
Release Date: 2008-08-21
15 ONE Star Reviews
72 FIVE Star Reviews
Author: Mike Challis

54.1 - 841,731

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