SensaSlim Weight Loss Spray appears to be a weight loss product that may be different to the rest. It may actually work.
You may note some Cynicism from me on these products, and that would be correct. Weight loss products and genuine products, too me, are two terms that have nothing in common.
However, this product Sensaslim Weight Loss Spray, seems to have caused quite a stir with one user suing the maker, because it worked.
His occupation is very weight specific, and the product caused him to lose too much weight. He lost money from his occupation, and suing for recompense.
A weird story in my eyes.
I couldn’t help wondering if this was a stunt by the manufacturers, for publicity, but ended up, after listening to the jockey, realising that he seemed for real. He stated that he had not read the label, due to his poor English, and had not realised this would make him lose weight.
His case against SensaSlim is not very strong especially in light of his statement that he admitted to “spray the product several times more than the recommended direction“.
Local News Stories on this actual event:…/jockey-not-after-cash
Former Brazilian champion jockey Wanderson D’Avila is claiming $12,500 in lost income as well as an undetermined amount for loss in reputation and embarrassment from the distributors of the slimming spray SensaSlim Solution.
Mr D’Avila, who speaks limited English, said he took the product after seeing it advertised as being able to “spray hunger away” on the current affairs program Today Tonight.
He said he did not realise that the product – now the number one slimming product in Australia – would also spray kilograms away.…/jockey-sues-slim-spray-company
He says he bought SensaSlim because it “sprayed away hunger” but claims it was not made clear to him that it would also “spray the kilos away”.
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