Size of United States in Square Kilometres

Size of United States in Square Kilometres:..

The United States is one of the largest land masses on the planet.
The most often quoted sizes are:

9,857,348 square kilometres: United States All U.S. territories, land and water
9,158,064 square kilometres: United States All U.S. territory, land area only.
7,669,483 square kilometres: United States, main section below Canada only, land only.

These areas include Land and Water.

9,857,348 United States All U.S. territory area in km²
1,723,337 Alaska
24,007 District of Columbia,  Puerto Rico,  Northern Mariana Islands,  United States Virgin Islands,  American Samoa, Guam, United States Minor Outlying Islands.
8,110,004 United States Main Section below Canada

These areas include Land ONLY, not water.

9,158,064 United States All U.S. territory Land area in km²
1,477,953 Alaska
10,628 District of Columbia,  Puerto Rico,  Northern Mariana Islands,  United States Virgin Islands,  American Samoa, Guam, United States Minor Outlying Islands.
7,669,483 United States Main Section below Canada

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