Does a Child of an Australian Permanent Resident who’s born in New Zealand get New Zealand citizenship?..
A simple answer at seems to be:
- If you were born in NZ on or after 1 January 2006:
- you’re only a citizen if at least 1 parent is an NZ citizen or have permanent residence status.
That appears to say the child WILL be a NZ citizen, as an Australian Permanent Resident (PR) is classed as a New Zealand Resident.
Is an Australian Permanent Resident, who is Resident in New Zealand, a New Zealand Permanent Resident?
According to (Part 3: Citizenship and permanent residency – Office of the Auditor-General New Zealand) at
- 3.31: Australian citizens, for example, have the right to reside indefinitely in New Zealand without being permanent residents of New Zealand.
So, an Australian PR can be resident in NZ, but NOT be a New Zealand PR.
- A baby born in New Zealand, to a New Zealand Permanent Resident is a New Zealand Citizen automatically, but not necessarily if the parent is only a Resident of New Zealand.
My take on this is that a child born in New Zealand, to an Australian Permanent Resident, does NOT get New Zealand citizenship automatically.
The New Zealand Government website has a page to Check your eligibility for NZ citizenship, and by using that tool to check eligibility for NZ citizenship, I found these two questions relevant to the topic.
- Have you been out of NZ for more than 475 days in the last 5 years? NO
- Do you intend to live in NZ once granted citizenship? NO
The result given was:
- Based on your answer to the previous question the child may not be eligible for NZ citizenship immediately.
The result of your self-check is only an indicator of your eligibility. It is not legal advice. You’ll be fully assessed if you apply.
Effectively, these two questions gave the answer: “child may not be eligible for New Zealand Citizenship”
Different answers may give a different answer. This can be checked at this link: Check your eligibility for NZ citizenship
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