Do you know how much you pay when you retrieve your voicemail ?
This was a subject that cropped up a few days ago, when my daughter got a new phone, and some messages were left on the voicemail, which was active by default.
$2 to listen to just one voicemail !! And that cost was NOT included in the cap !! Some providers do include this in the Cap, but some do not.
How do you turn OFF Voicemail ?
##002# is the standard GSM command to disable all diverts
The above command was one that I located, and then tried on one of my phones, the phone immediately said “Request Deactivation” and then came up with a green tick.
However, on ringing that phone, from another line, the phone rang 10 times, and was then answered with options to leave a message
##61# is to allow the caller to hear the phone ring and then drop out when not answered.
The response from my TPG phone, on the Optus network was “Request Deactivation” and then came up with a RED tick.
On ringing that phone, from another line, the phone rang 10 times, and was then answered with options to leave a message. (no change)
Earlier Information
Some Phone providers do not allow you to turn off this option using your phones keyboard, and it must be done by contacting them directly.
Others have a specific number that you dial which turns on or off the voicemail function.
Even this though, is not always straightforward, as there are different voicemail options that can be set.
- Divert on “No Answer”,
- Divert on “Busy”
- Divert on “unreachable”
- Divert ALL calls
A few Examples:
To set up your voicemail dial 121 and follow the prompts.
To retrieve your voicemail, dial 121
To divert on “No Answer”, “Busy” or “unreachable” to Voicemail dial 1211
To divert all your calls to voicemail dial 1212
To remove the divert all calls to voicemail dial 1213
Voice Mail retrieval/set up* 15.0c (*25c flagfall applies)
If you need to activate or deactivate Optus VoiceMail free call 1504 from your Optus mobile phone. source
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