Janella Purcell’s Elixir: How to Use Food as Medicine

Janella Purcell's Elixir: How to Use Food as Medicine. 9781741142976Janella Purcell’s Elixir: How to Use Food as Medicine..

by Janella Purcell

The author believes that the food we eat affects our physical body, and also our mind and spirit.
In this invaluable book she shares her expertise in foods, health and nutrition, and shows you how to care for yourself, naturally and easily, using food as medicine at home. In this entertaining and practical guide, she presents an intriguing variety of subjects and information. These range from suggestions to assist healthy aging, to a discussion on organic produce and why you should use it, to tips for those suffering from headache, fatigue, immunity problems, fertility issues and Syndrome X …among many, many other topics.
Also included are easy-to-prepare recipes using some wonderful ingredients that will quickly become part of your recipe repertoire and make you feel fabulous.
This book introduces us to what Eastern philosophy has been practising for thousands of years – the interconnectedness of the body, mind and spirit and how this affects our state of mind, health and personality. It is really a volume to use, to keep and to treasure.

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Published: 01 April 2004
Format: Paperback 328 pages
ISBN 13: 9781741142976
ISBN 10: 1741142970

Priced at July 2011


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