How to Change Padding Left from 30px to 10px

Code to Change Padding Left from 30px to 10px or 20px etc

Wordpress paragraph style is normally set using the default code, but some website managers prefer to use alternative indent settings. This can be achieved by adding a bit of CSS code.

The code to change the common indent from padding-left: 30px to padding-left: 10px is placed in functions.php file in the child theme:

Code to Change Padding Left from 30px to 10px or 20px etc..

WordPress paragraph style is normally set using the default code, but some website managers prefer to use alternative indent settings. This can be achieved by adding a bit of CSS code.

The code to change the common indent from padding-left: 30px to padding-left: 10px is placed in functions.php file in the child theme, is:

* Name: Manipulate the Parent to change indent from 30 to 10
* Requires: To be added in functions.php Child theme
function modify_tinymce_settings($settings) {
$settings['indentation'] = '10px';
return $settings;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'modify_tinymce_settings');

I have placed this code as the last item in my functions.php file.

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