How Much Does AdSense pay?

AdSense Advertising on websites.

AdSense Advertising on websites can pay a lot or a little, depending on many factors.

These factors can include:

  • Quality of page content.
  • Number of page viewers.
  • Targeting of relevant page viewers.

The following figures show an example of the AdSense Income from six different websites, showing the total income, the income per click, the income per 1,000 page views, and the number of clicks per 1,000 page views.

  • The highest income rate per click was $1.36, but that site (5) had the lowest click per page view rate with 9 clicks per 1,000 page views.
  • The lowest income rate per click was $0.18, but that site (2) had the highest click per page view rate with 28 clicks per 1,000 page views.

You will see from the figures below that Site 1 had the highest actual income, even though it had the second lowest number of clicks per 1,000 page views.  The income per click for that site was right in the middle of the lowest and the highest.

Total AdSense $ Income.
  • $120.38 Site 1
  • $ 91.58 Site 2
  • $ 55.81 Site 3
  • $ 30.71 Site 4
  • $ 5.42 Site 5
  • $ 3.15 Site 6
AdSense $ per click .
  • $1.36 Site 5
  • $0.80 Site 3
  • $0.68 Site 1
  • $0.65 Site 4
  • $0.19 Site 6
  • $0.18 Site 2
AdSense $ per 1,000 page views.
  • $21.89 Site 3
  • $13.02 Site 4
  • $11.83 Site 5
  • $ 9.23 Site 1
  • $ 4.95 Site 2
  • $ 3.04 Site 6
AdSense Clicks per 1,000 views.
  • 28 Site 2
  • 27 Site 3
  • 20 Site 4
  • 16 Site 6
  • 14 Site 1
  • 9 Site 5

From the above, you can see that the advertising income can vary substantially.

Those figures are not representative of all websites.  Some do much better, and some do much worse.

If you imagine a site that had 28 clicks per 1,000 views (site 2), and earned $1.36 per click (site 5) the total income for 10,000 views would be $380.80.

But, if the site that had only 9 clicks per 1,000 views (site 5), and earned $0.18 per click (site 2) the total income for 10,000 views would be $16.20.

A substantial difference.

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