Health Assessment for Nursing Practice
By Susan F. Wilson, Jean Foret Giddens
Hardback, 672 pages, 4th Revised edition
ISBN: 032305322X
EAN: 9780323053228
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Table of Contents
I. Foundations for Health Assessment
1. Why Learn Health Assessment?
2. Ethnic Cultural Considerations
3. Interviewing to Obtain a Health History
4. Techniques and Equipment for Physical Assessment
5. General Inspection and Measurement of Vital Signs
6. Pain Assessment
7. Mental Health Assessment
8. Sleep Assessment
9. Nutritional Assessment
II. Health Assessment of the Adult
10. Skin Hair, Nails
11. Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat
12. Lung and Respiratory System
13. Heart and Peripheral Vascular System
14. Abdomen and Gastrointestinal System
15. Musculoskeletal System
16. Neurologic System
17. Breasts and Axillae
18. Reproductive System and the Perineum
III. NEW! Health Assessment Across the Lifespan
19. Developmental Assessment Throughout the Lifespan
20. NEW! Assessment of the Infant and Child
21. Assessment of the Pregnant Client
22. NEW! Assessment of the Older Adult
IV. Putting It All Together
23. Conducting a Head-to-Toe Assessment
24. Documenting the Health Assessment
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