Brexit Referendum: Voters Regret, December 2016

2% of Remain voters (16 people) were apparently glad the vote did not go their way, saying Brexit was in fact the best part of 2016.
4% of Leave voters (34 people) said they thought Brexit was the worst thing to have happened this year.

Two per cent of Remain Voters Happy that Leave won..

2% of Remain voters were apparently glad the vote did not go their way, saying Brexit was in fact the best part of 2016.

4% of Leave voters polled said they thought Brexit was the worst thing to have happened this year.

These figures are according to a YouGov survey of 1,649 UK adults, carried out on 11 and 12 December 2016

Assuming that those 1,649 surveyed originally voted in the same proportion as the referendum (51.89% Leave and 48.11% Remain), then this survey result would have been:

34 original Leave voters regret Leave winning.
16 original Remain voters are happy that Leave won.

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