Atom Bomb v Nuclear Bomb

The largest US nuclear bomb, with its Blast yield of about 25,000 kilotons, is equal to 1,666 of the Little Boys dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

How different are the current Nuclear Bombs compared to the Atom Bombs used on Japan in 1945..

There were 3 Atom bombs detonated in 1945 and they were:..

16th July 1945, The Gadget with a 20 kilotons blast yield. Tested in New Mexico.
6th August 1945, Little Boy with 15 kilotons blast yield. Used on Hiroshima, Japan.
9th August 1945, Fat Man with 21 kilotons blast yield. Used on Nagasaki, Japan.

US Nuclear Bombs, since 1945, have included the following:

1949-53 Mark 4 nuclear bomb had Blast yields of between 1 and 31 kilotons (4 to 130 TJ).
1951-55 Mark 6 nuclear bomb had Blast yields of between 8 and 160 kilotons
1952-53 Mark 18 nuclear bomb had an actual Blast yield of 500 kilotons (Test: November 16, 1952)
1956-60 B41 nuclear bomb had a Blast yield of about 25 megatons [25,000 kilotons] (Tested with 3,500 and 5,000 kiloton versions in 1956)
1968-current B61 nuclear bomb has Blast yields of between about 0.3 and 340 kilotons
1983-current B83 nuclear bomb has a Blast yield of about 1,200 kilotons

Comparison between 15 kilotons and 25 megatons

A current B83 nuclear bomb with a Blast yield of about 1,200 kilotons is equal to 80 of the Little Boys dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

The discontinued B41 nuclear bomb with its Blast yield of about 25,000 kilotons is equal to 1,666 of the Little Boys dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

A diagram showing the difference between the 15 kiloton Little Boy (1)  used on Hiroshima, and a B41 nuclear bomb (2) with its Blast yield of about 25 megatons [25,000 kilotons]

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