Headline in the Newspaper today says:
ANDREW Wilkie may not be able to recall forcing cadets to salute Hitler’s rise to power but LNP leader and fellow military college graduate Campbell Newman can.
My first reaction to this headline was that Campbell Newman was stating that Andrew Wilkie DID order military cadets to commemorate Adolf Hitler’s rise to power…
However, reading the story further…….
Campbell Newman recalls Hitler salute incident at Duntroon
Mr Newman attended the Royal Military College at Duntroon from 1981 to 1984 as a cadet, at the same time the alleged incident involving Mr Wilkie ordering junior cadets to salute the 50th anniversary of Hitler’s rise to power is said to have taken place.
Mr Newman said he knew Mr Wilkie during his time there but did not know if he was involved in the alleged Nazi incident.
“Like many people who were at Duntroon almost 30 years ago, I can certainly recall hearing about this after the event,” Mr Newman said.
The media can certainly twist a story to give more guts to the story…
More Stories on this topic:
Newman recalls Hitler salute incident
Wilkie to meet Hitler-salute accuser
I can’t remember Hitler incident, says Wilkie
As a senior cadet in 1983 Mr Wilkie allegedly forced his juniors to salute the 50th anniversary of Hitler’s rise to power, News Ltd has reported.
Former cadet Brendan Etches, whose grandfather fought against Hitler’s troops at Tobruk, says he was shocked at being ordered to salute the regime.
“I refused to come to attention when they ordered the general salute,” Mr Etches, who was 17 at the time, told the News Ltd reporter, Andrew Rule, who is also a relative of Mr Etches.
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