Two Years Jail for Posting on Facebook

Two brothers sentenced to 2 years Prison time, instead of suspended sentence, for posting on Facebook..

Two brothers hauled back to court for mocking a judge on Facebook after she decided not to send them to prison for drug dealing have now been jailed for two years.
Forty minutes after Daniel Sledden, 27, received a suspended jail term from Judge Beverley Lunt, he posted online: “Cannot believe my luck 2 year suspended sentance (sic) beats the 3 year jail yes pal! Beverly [sic] Lunt go suck my …

The Sleddens originally received a two-year jail term, suspended for two years, after they admitted being concerned in the supply of cannabis between May and September 2014.
Both will now serve two years after the suspension was lifted by Judge Lunt.

Full Story:…/Brothers-jailed-after-mocking-judge-who-let-them-off.html


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