The Church of Christ

The Church of Christ is the true Church restored in the last days by Christ himself to prepare the world for His final return.

Organized by His divine revelation and patterned after the primitive New Testament Christian Church, the Church of Christ possesses true priesthood authority and spiritual gifts given by Christ for the purpose of spreading His Gospel to all “kindreds, nations, tongues and people.”

Our Basic Beliefs..

The basic beliefs of the Church of Christ are in an all-knowing, unchangeable, loving God who has a plan for mankind to spend eternity with Him. The plan is available for all mankind and He has provided the directions and requirements of obedience necessary in His Holy Scriptures. He has also given each individual the free will to choose to follow Him and receive His blessings, or to follow their own desires and receive the consequences of their choices.

These basic beliefs are standardized in the Articles of Faith and Practice which have been adopted by the Church of Christ.

How do these Churches compare against each other, other than having the same name but in different languages.

  • The Church of Christ – restored 1830
  • Iglesias de Cristo –
  • Iglesia ni Cristo – restored 1914


The term “church of Christ” is mentioned in Romans 16:16 in versions like the King James or the NASB, in the King James Version of 1960 reads: “I greet all the churches of Christ.” This expression is one of many used in the New Testament to refer to the church.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Invoke the peace of one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of The Messiah invoke your peace

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.

16:1-16 Paul recommends Phebe to the Christians at Rome. It becomes Christians to help one another in their affairs, especially strangers; we know not what help we may need ourselves. Paul asks help for one that had been helpful to many; he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Though the care of all the churches came upon him daily, yet he could remember many persons, and send salutations to each, with particular characters of them, and express concern for them. Lest any should feel themselves hurt, as if Paul had forgotten them, he sends his remembrances to the rest, as brethren and saints, though not named. He adds, in the close, a general salutation to them all, in the name of the churches of Christ.

Is it the Church of Christ or the Church of God?

Acts 20:28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
“Pay attention to yourselves therefore, and to the whole flock in which The Spirit of Holiness has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the Church of God which he has purchased with his blood.”

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