Lucas Philip Tindall is the Queen and Prince Philip’s 10th great-grandchild.
Lucas is the son of Zara and Mike Tindall.
Zara Tindall is the daughter of Princess Anne.
Princess Anne is the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II.
Lucas Philip Tindall was born on Sunday the 21st March 2021, weighing in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces (3.7kg).
Children of Zara and Mike Tindall.
- Mia Grace Tindall. 17 January 2014
- Lena Elizabeth Tindall. 18 June 2018
- Lucas Philip Tindall. 21 March 2021
Like all of the Monarchs great-grandchildren, other than the children of the Prince of Wales, Lucas is not a Royal Prince.
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