How to replace a Space with a Hyphen in a Spreadsheet..
One easy way to replace any character with another, is to use the Find and Replace function, but that is not always suitable.
However, using a cell with a formula can give you the instant result when you enter data into another cell, without any further effort. Very useful if updating a spreadsheet regularly.
For example:
You are creating a list of web page page URL’s, based on the web page title, and you need to add a cell with the correct URL.
You start off with a page called: Page Title, (in cell A2), and you need to add it to your domain name eg: (in cell A1) to get the result
You can easily use concatenate to add the two together, but you end up with spaces that are not wanted.
eg: +concatenate(a2,”/”,a1) gives you Title
You need to change the space to a hyphen, for the better URL.
So, you use the substitute formula, to change a space to a hyphen: SUBSTITUTE(A1;” “;”-“), with the concatenate command to add the two together.
- =+CONCATENATE(B1;”/”;(SUBSTITUTE(A1;” “;”-“))) to produce:
But then you might want to have all LOWER characters, so you add in the change to LOWER case command with this combined formula:
- =+CONCATENATE(B1;”/”;(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A1;” “;”-“)))) with this result:
The above codes are used in Open Office Spreadsheets, but I would have used the following in MS Excel
- =+CONCATENATE(B1,”/”,(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,”-“))) to produce:
But then you might want to have all LOWER characters, so you add in the change to LOWER case command with this combined formula:
- =+CONCATENATE(B1,”/”,(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,”-“)))) with this result:
The difference being the field dividers: , or ;
The simple changing of a space to a hyphen is: =+SUBSTITUTE(A1;” “;”-“)
A more complex change, with adding two cells together, would use this formula: =+CONCATENATE(B1,”/”,(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE(A1,” “,”-“))))
This changes a space to a hyphen, and changes to the cell content to lower case, with the two cells being added together with a forward slash (/) in between the two.
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