Search Engine Comparisons

Who gets the most traffic: Google, Bing or Yahoo ?

A couple of headlines from other websites:

Google Fails to Gain Search Market Share, Bing Steals From Yahoo

Danny Goodwin

Google Dwarfs Bing & Yahoo As Traffic Source For Major News Sites

Matt McGee

When it comes to my sites, it appears to be Google, as this twelve month report shows:

Britzinoz Search Results Search Results

By percentage:

76% Google
14% Bing
6% Yahoo

The BBC shows up nicely with 2,882 referrals, British Expats and Facebook are low with 248 and 239 respectively.

Comscore rated the Search Engine Wars in Oct 2013 as

66.9% Google
18.1% Microsoft Bing
11.1% Yahoo!

68.1 - 864,084
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