Results of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Western countries had enjoyed total mastery of the skies since the end of the Cold War and largely dropped the powerful defences once designed to protect NATO forces from Soviet aircraft.

But NATO countries have been turning to air defence again, following the Russian invasion into a European country, Ukraine.

Led by Germany, 17 European nations last year (2022), banded together on air defence with the “Euro Sky Shield” project.

Germany plans has a 100-billion-euro fund for rebuilding its armed forces in the coming years, with the same amount budgeted in France.

Europeans scramble on air defence

NATO borders with Russia.

Land borders between NATO countries and Russia totalled 754 miles before Russia started the war against Ukraine.

This war has caused Finland to join NATO, and this has added another 830 miles of border with Russia.
This means that NATO countries border with Russia is now more than double the original border length, to 1,584 miles.

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