The cowboys, strippers, labourers and magicians of Pilgrims are all on their way to being somewhere, or someone, else. Some are browbeaten and world-weary, others are deluded and naive, yet all seek companionship as fiercely as they can.
A tough East Coast girl dares a western cowboy to run off with her; a matronly bar owner falls in love with her nephew; an innocent teenager falls hopelessly for the local bully’s sister.
These are tough heroes and heroines, hardened by their experiences, who struggle for their epiphanies. Yet hope is never far away and though they may act blindly, they always act bravely.
Sharply drawn and tenderly observed, Pilgrims is filled with Gilbert’s inimitable humour and warmth.
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Pilgrims by Elizabeth Gilbert
Paperback 224 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Published: 02 March 2009
ISBN: 9780747598251
Pilgrims by Elizabeth Gilbert
Paperback 224 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Published: 30 May 2000
ISBN: 9780395924853
104.1 - 888,954