Overweight and Obesity

Overweight and Obesity is a major problem in the developed world these days with massive increase occurring in most counties.

The following chart, showing selected countries who were listed in both the 2005 and 2010 OECD Health Reports, indicate that in the 5 years between reports, the growth of obesity has been between 6.5% (United Kingdom) and 26.8% (New Zealand).

The United States is still at the top of the OECD list, with 33.8%, a rise of 10.5% in those 5 years.

Measured Obese population as  a % of total population. (Self reporting country figures are not included)

Country 2005 2010 Change
United States 30.6% 33.8% 10.5%
New Zealand 20.9% 26.5% 26.8%
Australia 21.7% 24.8% 14.3%
United Kingdom 23.0% 24.5% 6.5%
Luxembourg 18.4% 20.0% 8.7%

Other reports show the following figures:

Obese or Overweight

  • 66.7% of Americans were Obese or Overweight in 2005-06
  • 61.4% of Australians were Obese or Overweight in 2007-08


  • 32.7% of Americans were Overweight in 2005-06
  • 36.5% of Australians were Overweight in 2007-08


  • 34.0% of Americans were Obese in 2005-06
  • 24.8% of Australians were Obese in 2007-08

66.7% of Americans were Obese or Overweight in 2005-06

Numbers posted by the National Center for Health Statistics show:
32.7 % of Americans are overweight.
34.0% of Americans are obese (with 6 percent “extremely” obese)
The figures come from the 2005-2006 survey and are the most current available.
Fri Jan 9, 2009

55 % of Queenslanders are either Obese or Overweight.

More people are obese in rural areas.
Mount Isa, in the state’s north-west, has been named as Queensland’s most obese town in the survey.

“Fruit and vegies are dearer in Mount Isa than they are in metropolitan Brisbane.
“A lot of people work long hours, 12 hour shifts, [so] there’s a lot of take away food that’s easily obtained.
“A lot of single young males, quite affluent, who tend to use takeaway food more than would else where.”


61.4% of Australians are either Obese or Overweight.

The 2007-08 Australian National Health Survey results reveal:
42.1% of adult males and 30.9% of adult females were classified as overweight.
25.6% of males and 24% of females were classified as obese.

Useful Figures:

  • Overweight = Body Mass Index between 25.0 and 30.0 kg/m2.
  • Obese = Body Mass Index > 30.0 kg/m2.
  • A person 5 feet 5 inches tall becomes overweight at 150 pounds (68 kg) and obese at 180 pounds (82 kg).
  • A person 5 feet 10 inches tall becomes overweight at 174 pounds (79 kg) and obese at 209 pounds (95 kg).

Obesity around the World in 2010 OECD Measured Countries

  1. 33.8% United States
  2. 26.5% New Zealand
  3. 24.8% Australia
  4. 24.5% United Kingdom
  5. 24.2% Canada
  6. 23.0% Ireland
  7. 20.0% Luxembourg
  8. 16.9% Slovak Republic
  9. 3.8% Korea
  10. 3.4% Japan

Countries in these two reports 2005 and 2010 are not all the same, as not all have provided figures. Those in blue however, can be compared.

Obesity around the World in 2005 OECD Measured Countries

  1. 30.6% United States
  2. 24.2% Mexico
  3. 23.0% United Kingdom
  4. 22.4% Slovakia
  5. 21.9% Greece
  6. 21.7% Australia
  7. 20.9% New Zealand
  8. 18.8% Hungary
  9. 18.4% Luxembourg
  10. 14.8% Czech Republic

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