Out-of-pocket health expenditure World Health Organization

A report from the World Health Organization National Health Account database shows a list of 212 countries and the positions in world rankings for 188 of them, in 2012, for the following criteria:

Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health) http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.OOPC.ZS

Although I understand the nature of rankings, I am now unsure about what these figures actually mean especially as the top spot goes to Malta with 104% of private expenditure on health.

The next ten countries each came out at 100%, and then it goes down to 6.50% for Kiribati, in position 188.

A selection of countries in the middle are added in this small comparison list:

  • 1.  104.000% Malta
  •  96.  83.90% Philippines
  • 150.  63.00% Australia
  • 152.  62.60% New Zealand
  • 166.  53.10% United Kingdom
  • 171.  48.60% Canada
  • 182.  20.90% United States
  • 188.  6.500% Kiribalti

Health care expenditures minus government expenditures is the definition of these figures that I have seen.

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