2015 Median Wage in United States..
The median wage in the United States during 2015 is estimated to be $29,930 per year.
This is based on 160,794,699 workers.
- 70,210,853 people earned under $25,000 – 43.66% of the total
- 43,296,741 people earned between $20,000 and $50,000 – 26.93% of the total
- 33,073,730 people earned between $50,000 and $100,000 – 20.57% of the total
- 11,043,267 people earned between $100,000 and $200,000 – 6.87% of the total
- 3,170,108 people earned over $200,000 – 1.97% of the total
Highest and Lowest Earners in the United States
- 137,545 people (0.08% of all workers) earned over $1,000,000 while 3,241 of those earned over $10,000,000
- 21,998,602 people (13.68% of all workers) earned under $5,000.
- 80.4 million people (50% of all workers) earned under the median income of $29,930 per year.
US Median Wages in 2015 by Segments
- 22.15% earned under $10,000
- 27.93% earned between $10,000 and $30,000
- 24.18% earned between $30,000 and $55,000
- 25.73% earned over $55,000
The wage compensation figures shown above are those quoted as “Compensation subject to Federal income taxes”, in the official Government figures.
Source: US Social Security Online
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