Japan Population

Japan is said to be experiencing a downturn in population, with some reports saying that the population could drop by 30% by the year 2060, when over 40% of the population will be over 65 years of age.

These are the latest census figures and estimates from www.stat.go.jp

  • 2010 128,057,352 2010 Official Census October 1st (51.3% Female 48.7% Male)
  • 2005 127,768,000 2005 Official Census
  • 2000 126,926,000
  • 1995 125,570,000
  • 1990 123,611,000
  • 1985 121,049,000
  • 1980 117,060,000
  • 1975 111,940,000
  • 1970 104,665,000
  • 1965    99,209,000
  • 1960    94,302,000
  • 1955    90,077,000
  • 1950    84,115,000
  • 1945    72,147,000
  • 1940    71,933,000
  • 1935    69,254,000
  • 1930    64,450,000
  • 1925    59,737,000
  • 1920    55,963,000
  • 1915    52,752,000
  • 1910    49,184,000
  • 1905    46,620,000
  • 1900    43,847,000
  • 1895    41,557,000
  • 1890    39,902,000
  • 1885    38,313,000
  • 1880    36,649,000
  • 1875    35,316,000
  • 1872    34,806,000

The percentage of the population by age in Japan:

  • 13.2% Aged under 15 years old
  • 63.8% aged 15 to 64
  • 23.0% Aged 65 years old and over (the highest rate is the world)

Source: tradingeconomics.com


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