Apple’s iPhone took a record 89 percent share of smartphone operating profits..
From AppleInsider on 26th February 2015
Last quarter, Apple’s iPhone took a record 89 percent share of smartphone operating profits, directly causing another record for the holiday shopping season: an all-time low for devices running Google’s Android.
From IDC on
In Q4 2014, according to research firm IDC, Google’s Android mobile operating system had a 84.4% share of all users globally. Apple’s iOS had just 11.7%, down from 12.8% in the same quarter last year.
Apple with about 18% market share, makes 89% of the profits
Android, with about 78% market share, makes 11% of the profits
How does this happen?
Apple makes a profit of just under $400 on every $1,000 sale, on average.
Android profit per $1,000 sale ?? I assume they make much smaller profits, hence the lower unit price.
om Q3 2013 to Q3 2014 from 18% of the market to nearer 12% of the market according to the latest figures from IDC.
Q3 2014 Smartphone Sales
84.4% Android
11.7% iOS
2.9% Windows Phone
0.5% BlackBerry OS
0.6% Other
61.1 - 888,670