Home Ownership levels are Rising in Australia

The proportion of Australian households who own their home – either with or without a mortgage – has RISEN from the 68.4% in 1976,  to 68.7 per cent in March 2013.

Home ownership rates as measured in the ABS Census of Population and Housing, shows the following rate:

  • 1976 the home ownership rate was 68.4%

According to a newspaper report at www.news.com.au the rate is now 68.7% in March 2013

The proportion of Australian households who own their home – either with or without a mortgage – has fallen from a peak of 71.7 per cent in the early 1990s to 68.7 per cent in March 2013.

  • 2013 March: 68.7%

So, an increase between 1976 and 2013, with of course some fluctuations in between.

ABS 2011 Census QuickStats

  • The number of households who own their home with a mortgage has increased from 25.5% in 1996 to 34.9% in 2011

2011 Quick Stats: http://www.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2011/quickstat/0

Home Ownership levels are dropping in Australia

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