GDP in the UK from 2014

UK GDP in £ millions during 2014 to 2017

£477,152 – 2016 Q1. An increase of 0.16% for the 3 months
£479,682 – 2016 Q2. An increase of 0.53% for the 3 months
£481,524 – 2016 Q3. An increase of 0.38% for the 3 months
£484,268 – 2016 Q4. An increase of 0.57% for the 3 months
£485,509 – 2017 Q1. An increase of 0.26% for the 3 months
£486,914 – 2017 Q2. An increase of 0.29% for the 3 months
£488,862 – 2017 Q3. An increase of 0.40% for the 3 months

The British Gross Domestic Production (Chained Volume Measures) from 2014 to 2017..

The quarterly change in the UK GDP has seen rises every quarter, in the following time series, ranging from a low of 0.16% rise in the fiirst quarter of 2016, to the highest rise of 0.86% in the first quarter of 2014.

UK GDP in £ millions during 2014

£455,814 – 2014 Q1. An increase of 0.86% for the 3 months
£459,702 – 2014 Q2. An increase of 0.85% for the 3 months
£463,201 – 2014 Q3. An increase of 0.76% for the 3 months
£466,727 – 2014 Q4. An increase of 0.76% for the 3 months

UK GDP in £ millions during 2015

£468,326 – 2015 Q1. An increase of 0.34% for the 3 months
£471,018 – 2015 Q2. An increase of 0.57% for the 3 months
£472,980 – 2015 Q3. An increase of 0.42% for the 3 months
£476,413 – 2015 Q4. An increase of 0.73% for the 3 months/p>

UK GDP in £ millions during 2016

£477,152 – 2016 Q1. An increase of 0.16% for the 3 months
£479,682 – 2016 Q2. An increase of 0.53% for the 3 months
£481,524 – 2016 Q3. An increase of 0.38% for the 3 months
£484,268 – 2016 Q4. An increase of 0.57% for the 3 months/p>

UK GDP in £ millions during 2017

£485,509 – 2017 Q1. An increase of 0.26% for the 3 months
£486,914 – 2017 Q2. An increase of 0.29% for the 3 months
£488,862 – 2017 Q3. An increase of 0.40% for the 3 months

Source: Office for National Statistics – Preliminary Estimate of GDP time series dataset (PGDP)

Annual UK GDP Increase 2011 to 2017

Looking at Annual GDP rises, from 2011 these have ranged from a low of 1.19% in 2011 up to a high of 3.03% in 2014. 2017 is showing a 1.52% rise.

12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2011: 1.19%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2012: 1.89%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2013: 1.89%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2014: 3.03%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2015: 2.11%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2016: 1.81%
12 months rise at the end of Quarter 3 in 2017: 1.52%

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