Essential Histories War Books

A selection of books on the various wars around the world, published by Osprey Publishing, in the Essential Histories series.

Each Essential Histories book studies the origins, politics, fighting and repercussions of one major war or theatre of war, from both military and civilian perspectives.
Spanning 3000 years of human conflict, most major wars are covered, from the Punic Wars to the Iran-Iraq war.
Featuring full colour maps, diagrams and photography throughout, each book in Osprey’s Essential Histories series also includes pictures of contemporary artwork and artefacts, providing a full visual appreciation what it was like to live through each war.
Essential Histories are an important reference resource for students, teachers, academics, history enthusiasts and hobbyists.

ISBN Title USA UK Australia
9781841763606 Byzantium at War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763927 Caesar’s Civil War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763057 Caesar’s Gallic Wars USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762289 Campaigns of the Norman Conquest USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765235 Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190–1400 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763590 Rome at War AD 293–696 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762395 The American Civil War (1) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762401 The American Civil War (2) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762418 The American Civil War (3) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762425 The American Civil War (4) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763439 The American Revolution 1774–1783 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846034466 The Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839–1919 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846030239 The Anglo-Irish War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763729 The Arab-Israeli Conflict USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763965 The Boer War 1899–1902 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841766713 The Chinese Civil War 1945–49 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841768052 The Collapse of Yugoslavia 1991–1999 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841761862 The Crimean War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841761794 The Crusades USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764177 The English Civil Wars 1642–1651 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764221 The Falklands War 1982 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763422 The First World War (1) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763477 The First World War (2) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763484 The First World War (3) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763736 The First World War (4) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764214 The Franco-Prussian War 1870–1871 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763958 The French Religious Wars 1562–1598 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762838 The French Revolutionary Wars USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763613 The French Wars 1667–1714 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764566 The French-Indian War 1754–1760 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846032738 The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632–750 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763583 The Greek and Persian Wars 499–386 BC USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765747 The Gulf War 1991 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762692 The Hundred Years’ War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846032097 The Indian Mutiny 1857–58 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763712 The Iran–Iraq War 1980–1988 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846032707 The Irish Civil War 1922–23 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846039928 The Jacobite Rebellion 1745–46 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762821 The Korean War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764726 The Mexican War 1846–1848 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762050 The Napoleonic Wars (1) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762982 The Napoleonic Wars (2) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763705 The Napoleonic Wars (3) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764313 The Napoleonic Wars (4) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765693 The Ottoman Empire 1326–1699 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763576 The Peloponnesian War 431–404 BC USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765211 The Plains Wars 1757–1900 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763552 The Punic Wars 264–146 BC USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846032714 The Russian Civil War 1918–22 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764467 The Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841762296 The Second World War (1) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764474 The Second World War (2) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763972 The Second World War (3) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765396 The Second World War (4) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763910 The Second World War (5) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763842 The Second World War (6) USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841761916 The Seven Years’ War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763699 The Spanish Civil War USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765631 The Spanish Invasion of Mexico 1519–1521 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764184 The Suez Crisis 1956 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841765228 The Texas War of Independence 1835–36 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841763781 The Thirty Years’ War 1618–1648 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764191 The Vietnam War 1956–1975 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764665 The War of 1812 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764733 The Wars of Alexander the Great USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781846030307 The Wars of the Barbary Pirates USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764917 The Wars of the Roses USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841766126 The Zulu War 1879 USA Price UK Price Australian Price
9781841764801 War in Japan 1467–1615 USA Price UK Price Australian Price

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