Disposable Temporary E-Mail Addresses

A disposable E-Mail address was something that I had not heard of until today.

I was checking on a new forum member signup, and found their email address was hosted by a company that proudly states:

xxxxxx.com provides you with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 60 Minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.

This appears to allow a forum spammer to sign up to a forum that has email confirmation security set, and effectively by-pass giving the forum a real traceable email address.

These are some of the domains that appear to be in use for this:

  • @yestoa.com
  • @ccatv.org
  • @ouyamaichang.com

Information on these sites show that users from China are the most common visitors, as per these statistics:

  • 54,560 China
  • 3,807 USA
  • 1,498 Tawain


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this is really a problem if you run a forum. Help is provided by http://www.block-disposable-email.com. This free service helps you to detect a large number of disposable email address domains instead of maintaining a local blacklist.

There is a MOD for phpBB as well as some codeexamples.


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