Currency Rates Russian v USD

Russian currency -v- USD.

The changes in the value of the Russian currency during the last five years, shows a substantial drop in the value of the Russian Currency.

US$ to Russian Rubles.

1,000 Russian Rubles would get you:

11 US dollars on 8 July 2023
17 US dollars on 22 July 2022
14 US dollars on 16 July 2021
14 US dollars on 16 July 2020
16 US dollars on 12 July 2019
16 US dollars on 16 July 2018

Euro to Russian Rubles.

1,000 Russian Rubles would get you:

10 Euro on 8 July 2023
17 Euro on 22 July 2022
11 Euro on 16 July 2021
12 Euro on 16 July 2020
14 Euro on 12 July 2019
13 Euro on 20 July 2018

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