China is overtaking the United Kingdom as it becomes the world’s fifth largest arms exporter, pushing the United Kingdom down to 6th place.
China now has 5% of the global weapons trade.
China’s arms exports grew by 162% in the five years ended 2012, compared the the previous 5 year period, compared to the total world trade growing by just 17%.
A figure of 55% has been quoted as China’s trade with Pakistan.
- The US has 30% of the market share.
- Russia has 26%
- Germany has 7%
- France has 6%
- China has 5%
The worlds largest buyers of weapons are: (% of world arms trade)
- 12% India
- 6% China
- 5% Pakistan
- 5% South Korea
- 4% Singapore
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
(Stockholm, 18 March 2013) China has become the fifth largest exporter of major conventional arms worldwide, according to new data on international arms transfers published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). This is the first time China has been in the top five arms exporters since the end of the cold war. Overall, the volume of international transfers of major conventional weapons grew by 17 per cent between 2003–2007 and 2008–12.
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