Canada Immigration Targets in 2019 to 2021..
Canada faces new challenges such as an ageing population and declining birth rate, and immigrants have helped address these by contributing to Canada’s labour force growth.
With this in mind, Canada welcomed more than 286,000 permanent residents in 2017.
The Government of Canada has planned to grow annual immigration levels to 350,000 by 2021, with 60 percent of the growth in the Economic Program Class.
Economic Programs (Skilled etc)
2019 Target: 191,600
2020 Target: 195,800
2021 Target: 202,300
Family Class Programs
2019 Target: 88,500 (68,000 Partners and Children)
2020 Target: 91,000 (70,000 Partners and Children)
2021 Target: 91,000 (70,000 Partners and Children)
Refugees and Humanitarian Programs
2019 Target: 50,700
2020 Target: 54,200
2021 Target: 56,700
2018 Targets were:
177,500 Economic Programs (Skilled etc)
86,000 Family Class Programs
46,500 Refugees and Humanitarian Programs
51.1 - 885,161