Australian Gross Domestic Product from 1996 to 2016

Australia GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Australia had a Gross Domestic Product of $884,990. This rose to $1,265,452 by 2006, a 43% change, and then again to $1,661,739 by June 2016, a further 31.3% change over 10 years

Australian Gross Domestic Product from 1996 to 2016..

The Australian total GDP has increased by 87.77% between 1996 and 2016, going from $884,990 million up to $1,265,452 million. (All figures quoted in Australian Dollars, and as chain volume measures.)

Western Australia has had the greatest increase in GDP between 1996 and 2016 with an increase of 149.47%
Tasmania has had the smallest growth during this period rising by 45.48% from $17.899 up to $23,228.

Australian States Gross State Product for 1996, 2006 and 2016

New South Wales GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 New South Wales had a Gross State Product of $324,394. This rose to $427,144 by 2006, a 31.7% change, and then again to $531,323 by June 2016, a further 24.4% change over 10 years

Victoria GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Victoria had a Gross State Product of $206,031. This rose to $300,443 by 2006, a 45.8% change, and then again to $373,624 by June 2016, a further 24.4% change over 10 years

Queensland GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Queensland had a Gross State Product of $143,504. This rose to $236,643 by 2006, a 64.9% change, and then again to $314,569 by June 2016, a further 32.9% change over 10 years

South Australia GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 South Australia had a Gross State Product of $62,114. This rose to $82,036 by 2006, a 32.1% change, and then again to $101,096 by June 2016, a further 23.2% change over 10 years

Western Australia GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Western Australia had a Gross State Product of $102,301. This rose to $156,375 by 2006, a 52.9% change, and then again to $255,214 by June 2016, a further 63.2% change over 10 years

Tasmania GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Tasmania had a Gross State Product of $17,899. This rose to $23,228 by 2006, a 29.8% change, and then again to $26,039 by June 2016, a further 12.1% change over 10 years

Northern Territory GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Northern Territory had a Gross State Product of $10837. This rose to $16,155 by 2006, a 49.1% change, and then again to $23,648 by June 2016, a further 46.4% change over 10 years

Australian Capital Territory GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Australian Capital Territory had a Gross State Product of $20,874. This rose to $27,970 by 2006, a 34% change, and then again to $36,225 by June 2016, a further 29.5% change over 10 years

Australia GDP Changes 1996 – 2006 – 2016

In June 1996 Australia had a Gross Domestic Product of $884,990. This rose to $1,265,452 by 2006, a 43% change, and then again to $1,661,739 by June 2016, a further 31.3% change over 10 years

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