Applying Nursing Process: A Tool for Critical Thinking Alfaro-Lefevre
by Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre
Combines the practical guidance students need to understand various phases of the nursing process with an emphasis on critical thinking, focusing on both independent and collaborative responsibilities facing nurses.
This book addresses the nurse’s role as a caregiver and decision-maker in a range of settings.
Chapter One: Nursing Process Overview
Chapter Two: Assessment
Chapter Three: Diagnosis
Chapter Four: Planning
Chapter Five: Implementation
Chapter Six: Evaluation Quick Reference to Nursing Diagnoses Example Responses to Critical Thinking Exercises
Appendix A: Four Roles of Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs)
Appendix B: Dead On!! A Game to Promote Critical Thinking
Appendix C: Commonly Used NANDA Diagnoses Organized According to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Appendix D: Good Learning Environments, Healthy Workplace Standards, and Establishing a Culture of Safety
Appendix E: Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
ISBN: 9780781774086
Format: Paperback
Published: January 2009
Prices as at 28 Feb 2011
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