ALDI Alcafe Cappuccino

Coffee, something that is needed everyday, at least by me and thousands of others.

I tried the ALDIĀ Alcafe Cappuccino sachets today, for the first time.

This was the one:

ALDI Alcafe CappuccinoALCAFEĀ® Coffee Frothie 10pk – Cappuccino. A$3.49
It also comes in (Mocha, Latte or Skinny Cappuccino)

It works out at A$0.35 per cup of Coffee.

Maybe I made it wrong. It did say add hot water (not boiling), so maybe it was my mistake.

I added the boiled water to the powder, and stirred it.

It looked like the milk content had gone lumpy, so I kept stirring until it looked a bit less lumpy.

I then tasted it, and promptly spat it out..

I am no coffee expert, by any means. I have been happy with International Roast, and Nescafe 3 in 1, so I am not looking for some super tasting coffee. I just wanted an easy to make, instant one with pre added sugar and milk powder.

I’ll try another later, with water that hasn’t boiled. Fingers crossed.

It tastes a lot better when milk and sugar is added…

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bought alcafe at aldi yesterday to try, oh my god I’ve never tasted anything so vile in all my life, the rest of it went into the bin.

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