Waiting for adtest.myff.org

Ever been infuriated by slow loading pages ?  or the page never even loading ?

Do you look in the bottom left corner to see what part of the page is trying to load ?

Today I saw this one, on one of the forums I visit..

Waiting for adtest.myff.org
Waiting for adtest.myff.org

It would not finish loading, and it froze the page I wanted.

On trying to delve deeper, I went direct to the URL http://adtest.myff.org/

and got this Error message, which explains part of it:

While trying to retrieve the URL: http://adtest.myff.org/

The following error was encountered:

Connection to Failed

The system returned:

(110) Connection timed out

Frustrating that an outside link, especially an advertising one, can freeze a web site.

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